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- If you have not submitted an inquiry before, please click on "Register Here" on the Event Inquiry page.
- If you are a returning user, please log in as normal.
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Event Planning Services
Conference and Event Services offers a fee-for-service event planning model. Our department can offer Registration Services, Website Creation, On-campus Housing, On-Campus Dining, Catering, Venue-managed spaces, and Event Staffing—with fees clarified on annual pricing guides.
For all other coordinated services and fees, Conference and Event Services passes the cost to the client, often negotiating discounts and superior contract terms.
Conference and Event Services charges a percentage Administrative Fee on all services provided. This fee will be based on the length of the program and is to be masterbilled to the client. The Administrative Fee is to recover cost from salaries and wages; event registration and University approval tracking; staff services provided by Building Care; supplies and materials; Movable furniture, audiovisual equipment, etc.; IT/AV support; Equipment rental; Departmental costs incurred in the support of the event activity.